Frequency Asked Questions:
1. Why am I having problems accessing the shopping cart so I can purchase?
2. The "add to cart" button doesn't work?
3. Why do almost all the products say there are "0 in Stock"?
All these questions have the same answer:
Even if your item has no extra variables, you must click on each box ( colors, sizes, etc.)
that shows up one at a time just above the "add to cart" button. Click on the option you desire,
go through the whole cycle. Then the "0 in stock" will go to the correct amount available, and the "add to cart button" will come
into focus, which means it's working. Each time you wish to look at the other varibles just click on desired options as
they show up and the mock up will appear automatically.
4. Where is my product?
The order processing takes 2-3 business days and you will receive a tracking number shortly.
5. I don't like the product, can I get a refund?
Unfortunately our store does not provide refunds for buyer’s remorse. Please view our refund policy at,
6. Product damage or not as expected what are my options?
You may return the item for a full refund or return it in exchange for a replacement.
7. What are your order cancellation rules?
If the order has not been sent to production you should be able to cancel it no
problem. This is why we leave a 24 hour buffer between the sale and sending the order to the
Printing company. If the order is in production or already shipped to you, it is too late cancel it.